Sunday, June 12, 2005

The one where she finds a lizard while packing

Listening to: M-Flo - I wanna be down
Looking like: A FedEx mover, boxes, cap and all
Feeling: Optimistic

Here I am again in the office, trying to pack everything into boxes that are too small. I found the dead body of a baby lizard while trying to clear up the press releases I have. Eeek!!! That's a sure sign that I don't clean up too often. I've been in Bluinc for about a year now.. and this is the first time I actually dared to venture into No Man's Land and try to clean out the junk I have accumilated throughout. As I was packing, I thought Isn't it better if I do this every month? Just a thought, only a thought. Hahah.. Cause I know the moment I step into our new office, I will be starting the whole vicious cycle again, until it is time for me to move on again. Erkk...

Yes, Bluinc is moving. It is exciting. Because according to my colleagues, the new office is da bomb. I hope so too... Bluinc now is recognized as Kilang Gula Gula Hudsons (Bluinc resides beside the Hudson's Sweet Factory). Crap. I inhale, in the correct order, Mint, Lime, Cherry and Honey flavours every alternate day. It's like, Hey I smell Lime, it must be a Tuesday! Wtf..

I would miss this place, I bet but not in a good way. Let's just hope everything works out in the new place. Back to packing.. Hope I don't find another dead lizard!

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