Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Listening to: The All American Rejects - It ends tonight
Feeling: Empty

It has been like a month since my last post? I think so...

There are times when I have this urge to turn on my baby and start blogging but my hands reach for 'Detektif Conan' instead. Yes, this is the worst case of 'Iamsofuckinglazy' I've ever encountered.

Well, maybe it was also because of the recent discovery of a colleague's blog and I think half the company read it. She wasn't well liked to begin with. She wrote about some incident that happened in the office and somehow lied about some stuff. Man, did everyone die laughing reading it. And when I said nearly half the office, I was just exaggerating. *woot.. I can spell exaggerate!*

I got sort of freaked out when that happened because I do blog and I have said this once and I will say it again that I don't want to be dooced because of a blog. Erk... scary thoughts..

There were times when I so wanna blog but then malas wanna type or when I've got the inspiration I just terlupa the next second. Gosh.. I am starting to scare myself. My attention span of a goldfish has dissolved to nothing. Will be writing soon. Give me a stable net connection and I will put up a few posts at one time. Enough me ranting.

P/S: I am currently putting Shakira's Illegal on repeat. Zoe thinks she sings like a whale on that track. Can a whale actually sing? *ditzy look on face*

P/S/S: I wanna start writing a book. Anyone's got any ideas how to start?

P/S/S/S: This will be the boringdest Xmas ever... Sigh

P/S/S/S/S: I wanna write about Hampau strikes back sometime soon

P/S/S/S/S/S: The Laughing Buddha gave me some pointers on how to be a better person. Will blog about that later!

P/S/S/S/S/S/S: Should stop doing the P/S thing. So not cool. So Phantom of the Opera.


amy, loving herself. said...

agree! it's going 2 b a boring x'mas. hey, i believe u can write a book, seriously. mind sharing wat u wanna write about?

Pinkity said...

I wanna write about the things that happen around me... So drama... Think can make it into a drama series... :D

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