Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Judgement Day has Cometh

Listening to: Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
Feeling: Down like shit

Just had my accessment today and these were a few funny *sarcasm* moments....

"I know you work on your blog during working hours"
No I DON'T! Only after working hours

"I don't know why you have to stay in the office till 3 - 4 in the morning. Sometimes I wonder why you're there till so late"
UH... Maybe to work?

"For all I know, you're chatting in the office. Don't make me install a CCTV"
Well, for starters I have Internet connection at home?

"I don't want you to work till so late...*few moments later* ... but you have to stay late to finish your work"
Talk about contradictions

"I don't hate you, you know..."
Now that is something I don't know...

But you know what? After I cleared the fact that my boss don't hate me... I feel I want to work here even more.

That's what I call a LOVE HATE relationship

P/S: This post is being moved a year back in case of being read by my boss~ Don't want to be dooced!


Pinkity said...

Yeap she is... Everyone does it but I get exceptional 'attention'. Think it's because I always come in late...


Tai sei... said...

some1 bitched about u la..?

sure got some "loi guai" wan..


ms3Gem said...

now now... how did she find out tht you blogged @ office? da-yum gurl... dat sucks. jst be more careful ya. N dun la stay in office till so late. hv 2 B more careful these days... times R not good. people would do anything 2 get wht they need.

Anna-Rina said...

omg, quite teruk osso right? eh, if she knows you blog that means she knows about this blog la. jengjengjeng.

so not siok right go through all this love-hate thing? sigh.

Pinkity said...

Well dudes, sorry for not updating. I'm trying to catch up with things before I start 'playing', I mean, blogging again...

Miss you guys..