Thursday, July 21, 2005

Standing Alone...

Listening to: Fish songs
Feeling: Hang-overish

Have you ever been in a crowded, noisy place, filled to the brim with people and loud music and observe people around you? Was in Velvet yesterday for Nicky boy's post birthday dinner party.

I have to admit I was abit reluctant at first because I was actually feeling quite sleepy. But in the end, am really glad that I went. Met some of Nicky boy's colleagues and they are pretty nice people. Ohwell, side tracked, back to the main topic.

Gigi, Nini and Ndrew joined us later. Gigi told us that she needed alcohol. And when someone says that they need alcohol, the sisters will be all out to fulfill her wishes. So, we had drinks and we were boogeing, 80's style. After a while, I just sat back on one of the low couches, sipping Vodka Lime and enjoying a cigarette, looking around. Bright lights flashing, loud music thumping and it seemed that everyone is having fun. People on the dance floor was interesting to watch. Eyes closed, faces flushed, they were oblivious to everything that was happening around them. Then they were the drinkers... A smoke and drinks on the rocks, leaning over the bar, the drinkers talk amongst themselves. Wrapped in their own world. Couples are swaying to their own beat, nuzzling each other, having their own private little party and showing everyone else in the place how happy they are together. In their own little world that only both of them existed. I sat there, looking at all these happy people. Are they really happy?

For a moment I felt that I was alone in that crowded place. Everything else just faded into a whirl of thoughts. And then the music started again and faces came into focus.

And I wonder, if someone was to cry at that moment, would anyone notice?

PS: Someone DID cry. Not your tear in the eye cry but heaving sobs. And no, no one noticed. Everyone was still having fun.


Anonymous said...

yes no one noticed....everyone was too absorbed with their own world and i was too absorbed in that moment nothing around u exists....

Pinkity said...

Yes, and that is why we are selfish. No one really cares. Sigh..

Observation is fun. We should do it more often. Learn from others.

kinkybluefairy said...

Hey maybe that was my friend's friend. Cos i was last night. And she was there last night. And she was telling me over lunch today on how her friend was sobbing about her ex. *bwek*

Pinkity said...

Am not too sure about that. Maybe, maybe not. Am starting to think that clubs are a great place to cry.

Anonymous said...

who is kinkybluefairy?? and u know what pink?? after all that's happened....i forgive him...i guess it makes me feel better by not having a grudge on him....when u hate someone u feel even worse and i learned that to forgive is the biggest gift u could give yourself....forgiveness is virtous?? is that even the word?

Anonymous said...

who am i kidding?? ahhahahaha